Home -> What to do -> Pizzòc
From its top, on clear days, towards the south you can enjoy an outstanding and wide panorama that goes from the Euganean Hills to the lagoons, from the Friulian plain to the Gulf of Trieste and Istria; to the north, instead, you can see the Alpago mountains and the Venetian Dolomites; to the east, the Forest and the Piana del Cansiglio, the Cavallo group; to the west the Col Visentin, the Vallata and the lakes of Tarzo and Revine. The top, called Piazza della Pace (the highest square in Europe), still shows the signs left by the calcium carbonate quarry (dismissed and then moved half way up the mountain, in the locality of Le Jére, which, however, in the 1950s, ruined downstream with the whole establishment); the pylons of the cable car that transported the material to the Italcementi, cement factory of Vittorio Veneto, are still clearly visible.